December 6th 2018
Patient claims pruritic full-body rash is from a course of vancomycin. Is he correct? Could it be something else?
Diabetic Foot Problems: Keys to Effective, Aggressive Prevention
March 1st 2007ABSTRACT: A 4-pronged approach that includes patient education, skin and nail care, appropriate footwear, and proactive surgeries can effectively prevent diabetic foot problems. Teach patients with diabetes to examine their feet daily to detect new onset of redness, swelling, breaks in the integrity of the skin, blisters, calluses, and macerated areas. Have them follow a daily foot care regimen that includes warm water soaks and lubrication, and have them keep toenails properly trimmed. Recommend that patients select shoes that fit properly and have sufficient padding and toe box space; have them use inserts, lifts, orthoses, or braces--as recommended-to correct abnormal gait patterns. Finally, if deformities develop, simple proactive surgical procedures can correct these problems before they result in the development of wounds.
Stasis Dermatitis With Id Reaction and Granuloma Annulare in a 60-Year-Old Woman
February 1st 2007For several months, a 68-year-old man has had a highly pruritic rash on his lower legs. A similar rash recently arose on his trunk and arms. Treatment with a corticosteroid cream has been ineffective. The patient has diet-controlled diabetes and hypertension that is well controlled by medication.
Back Pain: 12 Questions Physicians Often Ask
February 1st 2007This lesion on her knee had been present for 5 years, reported a 22-year-old woman. It was not related to any trauma; its size had not changed, but occasionally it became darker or lighter. Excisional biopsy revealed lymphangioma circumscriptum, a benign, hamartomatous malformation of dilated lymph channels that may be filled with clear fluid because of communication with deeper lymphatics or, as in this case, serosanguinous fluid.
Systemic Allergic Reaction to Embedded Sewing Needle
February 1st 2007A thriving boy was brought to the office 3 weeks after his first birthday. His mother reported that there was something wrong with his knee. On visual examination, the knee appeared perfectly normal. On palpation, however, a 4-cm linear induration was evident over the knee fat pad, just medial and distal to the patella. It appeared soft, crepitant, and associated with the skin. No tenderness was noted on palpation; the infant did not object to palpation of this density any more than to auscultation, otoscopy, or anthropometric measurements.
Heat Therapy That'll Knock Your Socks Off
January 1st 2007Suggest that patients make a "rice sock" whenever they have a musculoskeletal injury, abscess, stye, or other condition that might benefit from heat therapy. Tell them to pour uncooked rice (the amount depends on the size of the area to be treated) into a clean cotton tube sock, tie off the open end of the sock, then microwave it for about 1 minute until warm (not hot). A rice sock holds heat longer than a hot towel and molds itself to the body part being treated.
Older Woman With Dysphagia, Fatigue, Dyspnea, and Weight Loss
January 1st 2007An 80-year-old woman has a 3-month history of increasing dysphagia (withboth solids and liquids), fatigue, and dyspnea on exertion. She has also involuntarilylost 50 lb during the same period. She reports no abdominal pain orchange in bowel function.
Enlarging, Friable Oral Lesion in an Older Man
January 1st 2007A 67-year-old man complains of a lesion on the floor of his mouth that hasenlarged over the past year. When he touches the lesion, it bleeds easily andis friable and intermittently tender. The lesion has been present for manymonths; initially, it was a painless whitish area. The patient has no other lesionsin his mouth, and he has no dysphagia, dysarthria, or other problemsthat indicate oral dysfunction.
Do You Recognize These Sun-Related Lesions?
January 1st 2007A 56-year-old African American man presents with a painful “raw” lip that hasgradually developed during the summer. Physical examination reveals a geographic,superficial erosion; notably, the erosion is surrounded by hypopigmentedand, most distally, hyperpigmented rings. The patient believes that exposureto sunlight has aggravated the condition.
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
January 1st 2007A 51-year-old woman has had a progressiverash on the trunk, proximalarms, and legs for 2 weeks, followingthe latest round of chemotherapy forbreast cancer. Around the time thatthe rash erupted, she was also takinglevofloxacin for a productive cough.Cutaneous lupus erythematosus wasdiagnosed years ago, but she hasbeen disease-free for the past 5 years.Chemotherapy is being withheldpending diagnosis of the rash.
Trigger Point Injections:What to Expect
January 1st 2007What Are Trigger Points?Tender areas, swellings, or knots under the skin are referred to as“trigger points.” Injection of these trigger points with medication mayalleviate discomfort. At times you may feel pain in an area distant fromthe trigger point. Your doctor will feel the various muscle groups tolocate the trigger points and the most tender areas.