January 17th 2025
Mineralys Therapeutics also expects topline data from its phase 2 study of lorundrostat for the treatment of uncontrolled hypertension or resistant hypertension when used as an add-on therapy.
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease in a 30-Year-Old Man
August 2nd 2004A 30-year-old man presentedwith severe left flankpain radiating to his abdomenand gross hematuriaof 5 to 10 days’ duration.He also reported a 4- to 6-monthhistory of nausea with intermittentvomiting, anorexia, and progressiveweight loss. He took no medicationsand had no allergies.
Erythema Nodosum in a 42-Year-Old Man
July 1st 2004A mildly painful, nonpruritic rash on the forearms and legs prompted a 42-year-old man to go to the emergency department. The patient noted the rashwhen he awoke that morning. He had had joint pain and fever for the past7 days and generalized malaise with chills that began about 3 days earlier.He had no significant medical history.
Hypertension Q&A: When Is an urgency not an emergency
June 1st 2004Hypertensive crises encompass a spectrum of clinical situations thathave in common elevated blood pressure (BP) and progressive or impendingtarget organ damage. Each year more than 500,000 Americans (about1% of all persons with hypertension in the United States) have a hypertensivecrisis. In large urban areas, 25% of visits to the medical section of any givenemergency department (ED) are attributable to a hypertensive crisis.
Matters of the Heart: Aortitis
May 2nd 2004An obese 61-year-old man who hadchronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseand sleep apnea heard a “pop”in his stomach while lifting a heavyweight; severe abdominal pain followed.He was short of breath thenext morning, and his physician empiricallyprescribed cephalexin.
Matters of the Heart: Simultaneous Pneumoperitoneum and Acute Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction
May 2nd 2004A 70-year-old man with a history of peptic ulcer disease presented with a 1-dayhistory of epigastric pain. Abdominal examination revealed mild epigastrictenderness. A pneumoperitoneum was discovered on a chest film (A), and aleft decubitus chest film (B) confirmed this diagnosis.
Matters of the Heart: Pericardial Tamponade
May 2nd 2004A 70-year-old woman with no previousmedical problems had had progressivedyspnea and generalized weaknessfor the past several days. She washypotensive (73/31 mm Hg), tachycardic(120 beats per minute), andtachypneic (28 breaths per minute);oxygen saturation (room air) via pulseoximetry was 84%.
Matters of the Heart: Images of Cardiac Disorders Myxedema Heart
May 2nd 2004Over the previous 6 months, a59-year-old man had experienced lethargy,fatigue, poor appetite, cold intolerance,and abdominal distention. Hisvital signs were normal; physical examinationrevealed periorbital andpretibial edema, distant heart sounds,and delayed reflexes.
Man With Nausea, Fever, and Rash Following a Diarrheal Illness
April 2nd 2004A 52-year-old man complains of nausea, fever, and malaise following a 2-day diarrhealillness that developed at the end of a family vacation in New England.Two family members suffered a similar illness, characterized by watery diarrhea.Symptoms developed in all who were affected within 24 hours of eatinghamburgers at a local restaurant.
Cutaneous Signs of Vascular Disorders: Small-Vessel Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis
April 2nd 2004A 70-year-old man who had just completeda course of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazolefor a urinary tract infectionpresented with palpable purpuraand cutaneous erosions of acute onseton his legs (A). He also had massivescrotal edema and purpura (B).
Cutaneous Signs of Vascular Disorders: Idiopathic Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis
April 2nd 2004A 16-year-old girl was bothered byankle pain and “red spots” on herlower legs. These symptoms clearedin a few days without treatment. Sixweeks later, after returning from anall-day outing at a fair, she noticedthat the spots had reappeared (A)and hemorrhagic lesions had developedon the right ankle (B) and leftheel (C). After removing her shoes,the teenager felt severe pain in bothankles, particularly the right.
Cutaneous Signs of Vascular Disorders: Atrophie Blanche
April 2nd 2004A 57-year-old man with a history of venous stasis leg ulcerationwondered about the “white spots” on his leg. Thecondition is atrophie blanche, which manifests as smooth,ivory-white macules and plaques of sclerosis stippled withtelangiectasia that often are surrounded by mild to moderatepigmentation.
Cutaneous Signs of Vascular Disorders: Carotid–Cavernous Sinus Fistula
April 2nd 2004Redness, irritation, and diplopia developedover 2 to 3 weeks in a 55-yearoldman’s left eye (A). The injectionworsened and was unresponsive toeye drops. Ptosis, mild proptosis, andelevated intraocular pressure developed.A bruit was auscultated overthe affected eye.
Cutaneous Signs of Vascular Disorders: Polycythemia Vera
April 2nd 2004Four months after a patchy, macular,erythematous spot erupted on thedorsum of a 63-year-old woman’s leftfoot, the area became ulcerated,tender, and painful. The 1.2-cm ulcerwas covered by a hemorrhagic crustsurrounded by a cyanotic reticulardiscoloration of the skin.
Various Manifestations of Rheumatic Disorders: Case 5 Rheumatoid Nodules
March 2nd 2004A 65-year-old woman, who was confined to a wheelchairbecause of severe rheumatoid arthritis, was concernedabout nodules that had erupted on her fingers and handsduring the previous 3 weeks (A). Her medical historyincluded colon cancer, chronic renal insufficiency, anemia,and hypertension. The nonpruritic nodules were painfulwhen they began to form under the skin; however, oncethey erupted, the pain disappeared.
Various Manifestations of Rheumatic Disorders: Case 3 Rheumatoid Vasculitis
March 2nd 2004Ten weeks before presentation, this55-year-old woman noticed decreasedsensation in her feet and a bluish discolorationof her toes. These symptomsprogressed rapidly, and pain andcoldness in both feet increased in intensity.Her feet subsequently becamegangrenous. Her seropositive arthritishad been diagnosed about 6 yearsearlier. The disease had been wellcontrolled until about 10 weeks beforethis photograph was taken.
Eye Signs of Systemic Disease: Case 5 Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
January 1st 2004An 87-year-old woman complained ofseeing a red tinge on the wallpaper inher house through her right eye. Thepatient had mild memory loss andmoderate hypertension, for whichshe took atenolol. She had quit smokingcigarettes many years earlier.
Eye Signs of Systemic Disease: Case 6 Diabetic Maculopathy
January 1st 2004During an annual eye examination, a 65-year-old womanwith a 5-year history of type 2 insulin-dependent diabetescomplained that her vision had slightly worsened in botheyes. Her best corrected visual acuity was 20/30 in botheyes.
Dyshidrosis and Photoallergic Drug Reaction
August 2nd 2003A slightly pruritic, red, scaly rash on an 8-year-old boy’shands has been progressively worsening since it appeared4 months earlier. Nail pitting also was noted. There are noother rashes on his body. The patient is active in sports;denies any new exposure to soaps, clothing, or other contactants;and spends time in the homes of his recently divorcedparents.