December 23rd 2024
The FDA has approved the first generic once-daily GLP-1 injection for the improvement of glycemic control for type 2 diabetes in patients 10 years and up.
Older Woman With Dysphagia, Fatigue, Dyspnea, and Weight Loss
January 1st 2007An 80-year-old woman has a 3-month history of increasing dysphagia (withboth solids and liquids), fatigue, and dyspnea on exertion. She has also involuntarilylost 50 lb during the same period. She reports no abdominal pain orchange in bowel function.
Woman With Headache, Diaphoresis, Abdominal Symptoms
January 1st 2007A 47-year-old woman complains ofepisodic headaches that began severalmonths earlier and are accompaniedby sweating, flushing, abdominal pain,and vomiting; these attacks have progressivelyworsened. She takes no medicationsand denies fever, chills, andnight sweats. The medical history isunrevealing.
Elderly Drivers: When Is It Time to Take the Keys Away?
January 1st 2007A 78-year-old widower with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and hyperlipidemiais referred for a comprehensive geriatric assessment.His daughter is concerned about her father’s decline following her mother’s death a year ago.His memory seems to be deteriorating. His desk is cluttered with bills, but he refuses to lethis daughter help him or even look at his checkbook.
Enlarging, Friable Oral Lesion in an Older Man
January 1st 2007A 67-year-old man complains of a lesion on the floor of his mouth that hasenlarged over the past year. When he touches the lesion, it bleeds easily andis friable and intermittently tender. The lesion has been present for manymonths; initially, it was a painless whitish area. The patient has no other lesionsin his mouth, and he has no dysphagia, dysarthria, or other problemsthat indicate oral dysfunction.
Vasomotor Symptoms of Menopause: Enjuvia Now FDA-Approved
January 1st 2007The FDA has approved a new syntheticconjugated estrogen formulation(Enjuvia), from Duramed Pharmaceuticals,for the management ofmenopausal vasomotor symptoms.This product is the only plant-derivedsynthetic conjugated estrogen compoundthat includes the componentdelta 8,9-dehydroestrone-an activeestrogenic compound.
Osteoporosis Prophylaxis: Menostar Now FDA-Approved
January 1st 2007The FDA has approved the use ofan estradiol transdermal system(Menostar), from Berlex LaboratoriesInc., to prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausalwomen. The hormoneis impregnated in a dime-sized, once a-week patch that delivers 14 μg/d ofestradiol: this dosage is half that ofother currently available transdermalestrogen patches. No supplementaryprogestin therapy is generally needed.This product can be prescribed for women who are without a uterus.The most common side effects areirritation at the patch site, joint pain,and leukorrhea.
Cataracts:The Case for Earlier Surgery
January 1st 2007Cataracts areone of themost importantcauses ofreversibleblindness in elderly persons.1 A recent report thatpredicts a surge in cataractincidence has heightenedawareness of the importanceof proper timing andtechniques for cataract extraction.The study, authoredby the Eye DiseasesPrevalence ResearchGroup, estimated that thenumber of Americans withcataracts will increase byapproximately 50% in thenext 20 years as the populationages.2 Cataracts werethe leading cause of low vision(less than 20/40 bestcorrected visual acuity inthe better-seeing eye)among whites, blacks, andHispanics.
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
January 1st 2007For several weeks, a 68-year-old man has had painful blisterson his hands that crusted as they healed. The patienthas diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and chronic renalfailure, for which he is undergoing hemodialysis. His longtermmedications include a hypoglycemic agent and adiuretic.
Woman With Chest Pain, Fever, and Cough
January 1st 2007A 62-year-old woman presents with severe, sharp pain in her right mid chestthat worsens when she breathes. The pain began the previous night, shortlyafter she had been awakened by a shaking chill, followed by the sensationof fever. She also has a relatively nonproductive cough of recent onset.
Can the Ottawa Ankle Rules Rule Out Arthritis?
January 1st 2007The Ottawa ankle rules are said to help in ruling out ankle fractures and cuttingdown on needless ordering of roentgenograms. How effective are they in differentiatingbetween strain or sprain and inflammatory or noninflammatory arthritis inthe ankle?
Young Man With a History of Vague Headaches Ascribed to Sinusitis
January 1st 2007A 37-year-old man found unresponsiveat home with erratic respiration andurinary incontinence was brought tothe emergency department (ED). Accordingto his family, the patient hadbeen complaining of headaches, vertigo,and mild neck pain for 2 months.During that time, a CT scan of thesinuses revealed chronic sinusitis; thepatient had completed a course ofprednisone, naproxen, and meclizinewithout symptomatic improvement.The day before he was brought to theED, he had presented to a differenthospital with the same complaints andwas given a prescription for antibioticsfor a presumed sinus infection. He haddiet-controlled hypercholesterolemiaand did not smoke.
Woman With Exertional Dyspnea, Weakness, and Dizziness
January 1st 2007A 66-year-old woman presents tothe emergency department(ED) with exertional dyspnea, generalizedweakness, and orthostaticdizziness; the symptoms startedabout 1 week earlier and have progressedinsidiously. The patient alsoreports diaphoresis and nausea withoutvomiting. She has no chest pain,palpitations, cough, or hemoptysis;she has not had a recent respiratorytract infection. While she is waitingto be admitted, she has an episode ofsyncope.