February 5th 2025
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21st Annual International Symposium on Melanoma and Other Cutaneous Malignancies®
February 8, 2025
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Expert Illustrations & Commentaries™: Picturing the Potential Role of OX40 and OX40L Inhibitors in Atopic Dermatitis
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Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS): Deepening Foundations of Knowledge in Disease Pathogenesis, Disease Severity Assessment, and Treatment Decision-Making
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Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte Therapy Advances Into Melanoma
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Community Practice Connections™: 20th Annual International Symposium on Melanoma and Other Cutaneous Malignancies
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Clinical Consultations™: Optimizing Treatment Outcomes for Patients with Generalized Pustular Psoriasis
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Revolutionizing Atopic Dermatitis (RAD) Conference 2025
June 6-7, 2025
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Advances in™ Atopic Dermatitis: Addressing Unmet Needs in Patients With Skin of Color
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Clinical Consultations™: Guiding Patients with Genital Psoriasis Toward Relief Through a Multidisciplinary Approach
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Patient, Provider & Caregiver Connection™: Understanding the Patient Journey to Provide Personalized Care for Generalized Pustular Psoriasis
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Cases and Conversations™: Applying Practice Techniques to Optimize Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies in Generalized Pustular Psoriasis
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Cases and Conversations™: Applying Best Practices to Prevent Shingles in Your Practice
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‘REEL’ Time Patient Counseling™: Fostering Effective Conversations in Practice to Create a Visible Impact for Patients Living with Genital Psoriasis
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Dermalorian™ Webinar: Shedding Light on Patient-Reported Outcomes to Assess Disease Severity in Patients With Atopic Dermatitis
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Where Do Biologics Fit Into the Management of Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis?
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Young Woman With Sore Throat and Extreme Fatigue
December 31st 2006An 18-year-old college studentpresents with a 4-day history ofincreasing throat pain, low-gradefever, and extreme exhaustion. Previously,she had been healthy and participatedactively in sports, includingmarathon running. Her appetiteand intake have been poor. No historyof cough, chest pain, shortness ofbreath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,or abdominal distention. She has noallergies, takes no medications, anddoes not smoke or drink alcohol.She is sexually active with a single partner.
Girl With Severe Sore Throat and Dyspnea
December 31st 2006A 12-year-old black girl is hospitalized because of increasinglysevere dyspnea and sore throat. The sorethroat started about a week earlier and was accompaniedby fever and chills. The patient was evaluated at an urgentcare center when her symptoms worsened, where she wasgiven ampicillin for a presumptive “strep throat.” A generalizedmaculopapular erythematous rash developed within24 hours of the start of therapy, and the ampicillin waspromptly withdrawn. The rash cleared gradually thereafter.Now the patient’s sore throat has worsened to the pointthat she has difficulty with drinking and eating. She hasbecome increasingly dyspneic during the past 24 hours.
Acute Dx: What Cause of Sudden Illness?
December 31st 2006A 40-year-old man has had discomfort at the distal end of thefingers of both hands for several weeks. He has also noticed nail pitting andonycholysis. He denies any trauma or inciting event and has been otherwisehealthy. He has no family history of inflammatory bowel disease, althoughhe believes that some family members have had rashes.
Vesicles and Erosions in a Middle-aged Man With Diabetes
December 31st 2006Over the past 8 years, fragile vesicles,painful ruptured bullae, and erosionshave developed on the sun-exposed skinof a 57-year-old man. Some of the vesicleserupt at sites of minor trauma; othersarise spontaneously. A corticosteroidcream prescribed by another practitionerfor presumed atopic dermatitisfailed to clear the lesions.
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
December 31st 2006A 38-year-old woman presents with a pruritic, tender rash on the trunk and extremitiesthat has not changed over the past few days. She has taken fluvastatinand sertraline for 1 year and a popular, over-the-counter weight-loss product for1 or 2 weeks. The patient denies using any other medications. She has had norecent illnesses.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency in Left Leg of 70-Year-Old Man
December 31st 2006Tortuous, dilated varicosities; multiple smaller caliberabnormal perforating vessels; and chronic brawnyedema of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) were seenon a 70-year-old man’s left leg (A). He reported that theedema and discoloration had worsened over the last15 years. The brawny edema stopped just above theankle, indicating that compression by the patient’s sockcontrolled the signs and symptoms of CVI.
Painful Rash in a Woman With HIV Infection
December 31st 2006For 2 days, a 45-year-old woman has had a painful rash on her left upper chest,upper back, neck, shoulder, and upper arm; she has also had pain around herleft ear. She describes the pain as burning, needlelike, and so severe that it hasprevented sleep; it is unrelieved by topical emollients. The rash was precededby 24 hours of a similar burning pain in the same area. No neurologic deficitsare associated with the rash. She has no history of rashes; no pain or rashesoccur elsewhere on her body.
Middle-aged Man With Worsening Foot Pain
December 31st 2006For about 3 to 4 months, a 53-year-old man has had gradually worsening footdiscomfort. He describes the discomfort as a burning sensation accompaniedby numbness and tingling. Initially, these symptoms were present only in hisfeet, but for several weeks they have involved both ankles as well. Althoughthe discomfort is always present, it is occasionally aggravated by the bed coversor by heavy woollen socks. The patient has no skin lesions, motor symptoms,or other abnormalities of his legs or feet.
Do You Recognize These Disorders?
December 31st 2006An 18-month-old girl presents with a mass in the lateralupper right orbital area (lateral brow). The lesion can bepalpated beneath the eyelid just inside the lateral aspect ofthe orbital rim. The lesion does not appear to interferewith the girl’s vision. The extraocular movements all appearnormal and, grossly, the child appears to visualizenormally with her right eye. CT reveals a well-circumscribed,cystic mass without bony involvement or deep intracranialextension.
Right Shoulder Pain in an Older Man
December 31st 2006For 6 months, a 69-year-old man has experiencedpain in his right shoulder; hetakes NSAIDs for relief. During the lastmonth, the pain has worsened, weaknessand tingling have developed in his righthand, and the skin on the right side ofhis face has become dry. The patient alsoreports a 1-month history of melanoticstools. He had smoked 1 pack of cigarettesa day for 50 years before quittinglast year
Can You Identify These Facial Findings?
December 31st 2006A 24-year-old African American man presents for a routine eye examination. Theocular findings are unremarkable; however, well-circumscribed areas of whitenedskin are noted on his forehead and hands (A and B). The patient reportsthat the patchy loss of pigment has been progressing over a number of years.
December 31st 2006During the past 3 decades, the prevalence of asthma andallergies in children has increased steadily. Today, about 5million American children have asthma, which is the leadingcause of absence from school. The editors and authors ofthis textbook-who are recognized authorities in theirfields-discuss recent advances in the field of allergy andimmunology and tailor this new information to the specialneeds of children. Children’s immune systems are in theprocess of development; this offers special opportunities forprevention and intervention. Presented here is detailedguidance in the diagnosis and management of immunologicdiseases, upper airway allergies, asthma, food allergies, allergicskin and eye diseases, and drug allergies. Differentialdiagnoses, approaches to evaluation, environmental triggers,and both established and emerging treatments are alladdressed. The latest immune-directed therapies are discussedin depth. Photographs, graphs, tables, and figuresappear throughout the text.
Woman With Vesicles and Crusts on Her Forehead
December 31st 2006For 3 days, a 60-year-old woman hashad a tender rash on her forehead. Thelesions erupted 2 days after she sustainedminor trauma to the left side ofthe forehead (Figure 1); no scratchesor bleeding were associated with theinjury. She noted a burning sensationand mild tenderness at the site shortlybefore the lesions arose.
Cold Weather Dermatoses: How to Recognize and Treat
December 31st 2006Prolonged exposure to coldtemperatures can have a profoundeffect on the skin.When tissues are exposed toabove-freezing temperatures,localized vasoconstriction and increasedblood viscosity reduce bloodflow and decrease the amount ofoxygen available to tissues. Whentissues are exposed to freezing temperatures,water within those tissueschanges into ice crystals; this resultsin either intracellular or extracellulardamage and tissue necrosis.
Case 5: Multiple Keloids in Pierced Ear
December 31st 2006A 23-year-old woman presented with medial and lateralpruritic keloids on her right earlobe, which had beenpierced several years earlier. These lesions began to developduring the patient’s pregnancy 2 years earlier.Keloids also were noted on the presternal region. Thepatient reported that these had begun as pimples thatspontaneously enlarged.
Erythematous Rash in Man Receiving Vancomycin Infusion
December 31st 2006A 67-year-old man with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus presents withleg pain and swelling that began 3 days earlier. Multiple ulcers are noted at thelateral malleolus. His temperature is 38.9°C (102.1°F). Right lower extremitycellulitis is diagnosed, blood samples are taken for culture, and the patient ishospitalized.
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
December 31st 2006A 28-year-old woman complains that her acne has worsened since she startedtaking minocycline for the skin condition 6 weeks earlier. She also uses a norgestimate/ethinyl estradiol oral contraceptive, which has an indication for acnetreatment. Numerous small, pruritic, erythematous follicular papules are presenton the patient’s forehead, cheeks, and nose