"Up the Price by How Much?"
Turing Pharmaceutical's CEO has backed down on the 4000% price hike for Daraprim, but is the damage done? Take our poll.
A 40-year-old Man with Severe Arm Pain, Swelling
Pt calls 911 for chest pain. In transit, signs, symptoms, history of the real problem are unmistakable. Your Dx?
Seizure in a 7-year-old Boy
He is actively seizing when EMS arrives. Mother says this happens once a year, about the same time. Details, in the video.
A Scaly Rash
An 11-year-old boy breaks out quite suddenly with a rash of papulosquamous lesions with a silvery scale. Can you Dx?
Acute Facial Edema, Erythema in a 58-year-old Man
Pt video: Woke with symptoms. PMH: hypertension, arrhythmias. PPD smoker, drinks ETOH. More history, here.
A 54-year-old Woman with Chest Pain Radiating to Jaw
The patient felt like her "head would explode" from the pain on the left side of her face. Watch the ED video and formulate your own diagnosis.
A 5-year-old with a Hand Burn
The mother reports the child spilled hot liquid while removing a cup from the microwave. Does the injury match the claim?
An Elderly Man with Worsening Chest Pressure
Patient describes worsening chest pain for 2 years; also easy bruising, bleeding. Follow ED exam on video. What's your diagnosis?
An Unusual Summer Tan
A summer tan failed to conceal this embarrassing rash on an 18 y/o boy’s arms, back, and chest. Can you make a diagnosis?
An 8-year-old Boy with Acute Facial Swelling
Four days of facial swelling was preceded by several months of fatigue, leg pain, rapid weight gain. Watch the video exam for more clues to Dx.
A 4-year-old Boy with Severe, Painful Rash
Watch this live video exam and hear details from the boy's mother about the acute, widespread eruption. What's your diagnosis?
An Asymptomatic Rash on the Low Back of an Older Woman
The patient says the incidental finding appeared in adulthood and has been stable for years. Can you identify this reticulated erythema?
Oral Steroids for Acute Radiculopathy?
Would you consider oral steroids for a patient with acute radiculopathy due to a herniated disc? What's the clinical evidence of benefit?
Young Boy with Back Pain after Diving Accident
The pain was immediate at T5-6 after he struck his head on the pool bottom. Can you Dx his injury based on the video interview?
Intensely Pruritic Rash After Sun Exposure in a Tween Girl
What are the characteristics of this blistering rash caused by exposure to UV light?
Teenage Boy with Sighing Respirations
What is causing this 14-year-old boy’s “shortage of breath"? Watch the video for clues and choose your diagnosis.
Elevated Triglycerides in a Woman with Type 2 Diabetes
What do current guidelines recommend as first-line treatment for patients like 51-year-old TK? Check out these options.
3-Year-Old Boy With Unilateral Facial Swelling
The child is bright and alert and has no fever. The swelling is on the left side of the face only. Find other clues to a diagnosis in the accompanying video.
An 11-Month-Old Boy With Cough, Wheezing, and Fever
Watch this video taken during examination of the child. Listen as he cries. Is there a clue to the diagnosis?
A 12-Month-Old Girl With Severe Abdominal Pain
The child’s episodic tantrum-like behavior and crying was only briefly soothed. Watch the video-is there a clue here to a diagnosis?