A special thank-you goes out to the pharmacists, physicians, educators, and researchers who took the time to review manuscripts for Drug Benefit Trends in 2007.
A special thank-you goes out to the pharmacists, physicians, educators, and researchers who took the time to review manuscripts for Drug Benefit Trends in 2007. In most cases, reviewers made specific suggestions for improving the manuscripts, which were shared with the authors and resulted in stronger articles. The strength of our journal depends on the knowledge, ability, professionalism, and dedication of reviewers who provide an often unsung but essential service. The authors, editors, and especially our readers have benefited from the reviewers’ valuable contributions. -The Editors
Sandra Adams, MD
Ashley Beard, PhD candidate
Lawrence J. Cohen, PharmD
Robert Guthrie, MD
Sujata Jayawant, MS
Michael Johnsrud, PhD
Thad Mick, PharmD
Stephen Paul, RPh, PhD
Jay M. Pomerantz, MD
Debi Reissman, PharmD
Sujit Sansgiry, PhD
Debbie Stern, RPh
Anna Theodorou, RPh, MBA
F. Randy Vogenberg, RPh, PhD
Dan P. Wermeling, PharmD
Albert I. Wertheimer, PhD, MBA