New Drug Class Shows Promise in Migraine Prevention
Studies of the first specific mechanism-based treatments may harken a new era of prevention.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Marks Brain Damage With Cardiac Arrest
Measuring cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers may help determine the amount of a patient’s brain damage and complement clinical assessments.
Genetic Test Reveals High, or Low, Pain Perception
The test may identify which patients have a high or a low predisposition for pain perception, according to the results of a new study.
Mild Cognitive Impairment Raises Risk of Death
The death rate appears to be higher in these persons than in those who are cognitively normal.
Marijuana Treats Some Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
Oral and spray forms of medical marijuana can help treat some symptoms, according to a systematic review from the American Academy of Neurology.
Dysphagia to Solids: Which Study Would You Choose?
Fear of dining outside the home brings this patient to see you. What's the best diagnostic tool?
Back to Basics: A Spine Disorder Photo Quiz
Back and neck complaints rank among the top reasons for visits to primary care physicians. Take this week’s photo quiz to test your knowledge of these sometimes mysterious disorders.
What Treatment for Rectal Ulcer in a Young Man?
Constipation-related straining may be the cause of the lesion. How would you proceed?
Vitamin E Tocotrienols May Protect Against Stroke
Mixed tocotrienols are effective in attenuating the progression of white matter lesions in humans, the results of a new study have shown.
To Prevent a Second Stroke, Lower Blood Pressure to Normal
All patients with stroke should have their blood pressure lowered to normal levels, a new study shows.
Relaxation Followed by Stress Triggers Migraines
"Doc, I Think I Have Carpal Tunnel…"
Progressive numbness in 3 fingers on both hands led this computer programmer to diagnose himself as having carpal tunnel syndrome. But, there's more to this story.
Cervical Spinal Cord Compression
Domperidone Rx for Gastroparesis: Which Test First?
Domperidone is better tolerated by some patients than metoclopramide. Before a switch, however, this test must be performed.
Lower Quadrant Pain and Emesis in a Young Boy
The 9-year-old was admitted after 1 day of symptoms; he had no fever, diarrhea, constipation, dysuria, or rash. More details here. What's your diagnosis?
Sessile Serrated Adenoma Found: When to Re-scope?
The patient is 50 years old and has no family history of colon cancer. Should he have a repeated colonoscopy at 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?
Early ART in Infants: Longitudinal Results and the Mississippi Baby
These presentations provided a wealth of data suggesting that very early treatment of HIV may help control viremia and achieve remission over time in pediatric patients.
Cardiac Comorbidities in HIV: Role of Depression, Visceral Fat, Sex, and Exposure to ART
Here: 4 subgroups of HIV patients whose cardiovascular health might benefit from your targeted intervention.
Poster Presentations at CROI 2014: A Primary Care Perspective
Useful details here about HIV and age-related issues, sexual dysfunction, heart disease, and end-organ damage.
A Battle Plan for Surviving CROI and Other Week-Long Meetings
These suggestions will enhance your enjoyment of long meetings and will have your colleagues remarking on what a jolly, friendly person you really are. Ignore the advice at your own peril.