November 27th 2024
Your daily dose of the clinical news you may have missed.
HIV Update From the 2009 International AIDS Society Conference-Cape Town, South Africa
November 23rd 2009The Fifth International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment, and Prevention (IAS 2009) was held in Cape Town, South Africa, from July 19 to 22, 2009. More than 5500 delegates from more than 100 countries attended this annual event.
What to Do for Patients With Hepatitis C?
November 3rd 2009No matter what primary care demographic your practice represents, it would be most unusual not to encounter patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Since HCV infection is chronic and can lead to cirrhosis (occurring in 20% of patients over a period of 10 to 20 years), decisions regarding its management, referral, and follow-up are of the utmost importance.
Digestive Diseases Cost $141.8 Billion Annually
March 14th 2009Digestive diseases are costly to manage, with annual costs totaling $141.8 billion in 2004 (Figure 1), according to an NIH report. Direct costs associated with digestive diseases jumped from $85 billion in 1998 to nearly $98 billion in 2004. Prescription drug costs alone were $12.3 billion. Indirect costs for digestive diseases more than doubled, from $20 billion in 1998 to $44 billion in 2004, of which $32.8 billion was associated with lost productivity caused by increased mortality.
What You Need to Know About Herpes Zoster Vaccination: Recommendations From the CDC
July 1st 2008The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that all persons older than 60 years be immunized against herpes zoster with a single dose of the live, attenuated virus vaccine. Furthermore, it urges clinicians to offer the vaccine at the first available clinical encounter.
Economic Evaluation of a Prior Authorization Program for Biologic Response Modifiers
January 1st 2008Specialty medications constitute the fastest-growing segment of drug spending under the pharmacy benefit. This study evaluated the impact of a specialty pharmacy prior authorization (PA) program on prescription drug costs for biologic response modifiers (BRMs) used in the treatment of persons with rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn disease, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis, and other spondyloarthropathies. A retrospective, case-control, one-to-one matching approach based on patient age, sex, and client characteristics was used. Case clients were enrolled in the specialty pharmacy PA program from January 1 through December 31, 2005. The control group consisted of clients who were not enrolled in the program during this time. The average costs per eligible member per month (PMPM), for the total, plan, and member were $1.32, $1.29, and $0.03, respectively, in the case group, and $1.44, $1.41, and $0.03, respectively, in the control group. Clients who implemented the specialty pharmacy PA program for BRMs saved an estimated total cost of $0.12 PMPM. Implementing a specialty pharmacy PA program reduced BRM costs. (Drug Benefit Trends. 2008;20:26-31)
Managing the Patient With an Abnormal Liver Test: Part 1, Persistent Aminotransferase Elevations
December 1st 2007Identifying the cause of a persistent, asymptomatic aminotransferase elevation can be challenging. The possible diagnoses are many and varied. To narrow the differential, begin with a detailed history.
Emerging Infections: What You Need to Know, Part 2
November 1st 2007Fear of bioterrorism persists because of new reports of biological warfare, including the most recent attack that involved a Russian spy who was poisoned with polonium-210. However, vaccination against potential biological weapons, such as anthrax and smallpox, is controversial because of associated adverse effects.
Secondary Syphilis and HIV Positivity
November 1st 2007Six months after testing positive for HIV in 10 bands, a 24-year-old homosexual man presented with a macular rash on his palms and soles. He first noticed the lesions 2 weeks earlier; they were not pruritic or painful. He also had a brighter, more inflamed rash in the groin and antecubital fossae that was presumed to be a yeast infection and was treated with fluconazole. He had no other symptoms.
Emerging Infections:What You Need to Know, Part 1
October 1st 2007Within the past 7 years, the incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium difficile infections has significantly increased. Risk factors for MRSA infection include previous antibiotic therapy and living arrangements such as prisons or military barracks that involve close, frequent contact with infected persons. Treat stable patients with MRSA skin infections with oral antibiotics in addition to incision and drainage; hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics are recommended for patients whose condition is unstable or who are unlikely to adhere to an oral regimen. A new strain of C difficile, BI/NAP1, has been associated with recurrent infection; more severe disease that mandates urgent colectomy; and dramatically higher mortality in vulnerable populations, such as older adults. Although oral metronidazole has been the mainstay of treatment of C difficile infection, oral vancomycin may be slightly more effective in patients with severe disease.
Infectious Genital Ulcers: No Single Scenario Fits All
May 1st 2007I read with interest the case of lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) featured in Dr Henry Schneiderman's recent "What's Your Diagnosis?" column (CONSULTANT, February 2007, page 187). As one who has had a career-long interest in sexually transmitted disease, I feel compelled to make a few remarks regarding this case.
Pharyngeal Infections Can Be Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
May 1st 2007Yesterday, my laboratory reported to me that a pharyngeal swab tested positive for chlamydial infection (detected by DNA testing). This was not the first time I diagnosed sexually transmitted pharyngeal chlamydial infection in a patient. Readers beware: it does happen.
For Genital Lesions: Show While You Tell
April 1st 2007It is sometimes difficult for women with genital warts to visualize their lesions. Offer patients a hand-held mirror so that they can see what the lesions look like, and recommend that they use a similar mirror at home to monitor the lesions' size and number.
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Infection
March 1st 2007This infection is caused by reactivationof varicella-zoster virus (VZV),which may remain latent in thedorsal root and cranial nerve gangliafor decades. Reactivation oftenoccurs for no apparent reason, althoughstress and immunosuppressionmay increase the risk.