January 20th 2025
The novel therapeutic demonstrated a strong safety profile and showed efficacy in reducing symptoms during the early stages of treatment.
December 18th 2024
Psoriasis: Update on Therapy for the Various Manifestations
June 1st 2003A middle-aged man with"jock itch" that has failed torespond to antifungal creams.An older woman who has diffusehyperkeratosis of predominantlyweight-bearing surfaces.A young man with mildlypruritic, small, salmon pinkpapules and thick white scaleon his trunk and arms.
CASES 4A AND 4B: Guttate Psoriasis
June 1st 20034A:Small, slightly pruritic, salmonpink papules with thick white scalehave arisen over the past 5 days onthe trunk and arms of a 24-year-oldman. The patient has a history ofvery mild psoriasis vulgaris of the elbows,knees, and scalp; he deniesstreptococcal pharyngitis or other recentinfections. Guttate psoriasis isdiagnosed.
CASE 8: Erythrodermic or Pustular Psoriasis
June 1st 2003A 60-year-old man with a long historyof psoriasis vulgaris required a systemiccorticosteroid for a severe exacerbationof asthma. Soon after theErythrodermic or Pustular Psoriasiscorticosteroid was discontinued, generalizederythema and scaling of theskin developed.
Community-Acquired Pneumonia in the Elderly:
May 1st 2003ABSTRACT: In addition to advanced age, factors such as comorbid illness and debility determine the risk of community- acquired pneumonia (CAP). Many elderly persons do not have the classic symptoms of CAP; instead, they may present with confusion, lethargy, tachypnea, anorexia, or abdominal pain. Even with thorough investigation, an infectious pathogen can be identified in only about half of patients. In addition to the causative organisms for pneumonia in younger adults, elderly persons are at risk for infection with organisms such as Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, enteric gram-negative bacteria, and anaerobes, and for polymicrobial infection. Prompt empiric treatment is essential. Recommended initial therapy choices include a ß-lactam agent with a macrolide, or an antipneumococcal fluoroquinolone.
Coexistent Discoid Lupus Erythematosus and Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
May 1st 2003Bullae had recently appeared on the dorsa of the hands and fingers of a 46-year-old man. His medical history was significant for alcoholism, discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), and hepatitis C. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was ruled out; the patient’s symptoms did not meet the American Rheumatism Association criteria for SLE.
Abnormal Liver Function Tests:
April 1st 2003ABSTRACT: Serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase that exceed 1000 IU/L indicate acute viral hepatitis (A, B and, rarely, C), acute drug toxicity (eg, acetaminophen overdose or isoniazid hepatotoxicity), or ischemic liver injury. In chronic hepatitis (ie, hepatitis B or C or autoimmune), values range from mildly elevated to usually less than 400 IU/L. Elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase and gamma;-glutamyltransferase (GGT) are consistent with cholestatic disease: primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, idiosyncratic drug reactions, or mechanical biliary obstruction (eg, biliary stones or tumor). Elevation in the GGT level can also be induced by alcohol consumption or medications (eg, phenytoin). Isolated unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia suggests Gilbert syndrome or a hematologic disorder; conjugated hyperbilirubinemia reflects impaired hepatic excretion. Serum bilirubin and albumin and INR have prognostic significance in chronic liver disease; bilirubin and INR are more useful in acute liver failure because albumin has a long half-life.
Infant With Red Swollen Index Finger
March 31st 2003A 12-month-old infant is brought to your office for evaluation of ared, swollen left index finger, which her parents first noted the prior evening.The mother denies any known trauma or recent illness. She tells you that theinfant is slightly fussy and is not taking her bottle as well as usual.
Livedo Reticularis and Contact Dermatitis to Poison Ivy
March 1st 2003A network of purplish pink lesions recently developed on a 28-year-old woman’sarms and legs. The asymptomatic rash becomes more prominent with exposureto cold. The patient denies fever, aches, arthralgias, oral erosions, chestpain, and photosensitivity.
Pneumococcal Pneumonia: Update on Therapy in the Era of Antibiotic Resistance
March 1st 2003Sir William Osler once called pneumococcalpneumonia “the captain of themen of death.”1 Pneumonia is the sixthleading cause of death in the UnitedStates and the fourth leading causeamong Americans 80 years of age andolder.2
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and HIV Seropositivity
March 1st 2003A 47-year-old woman who wasseropositive for HIV-1 presented tothe emergency department with severemaculopapular, erythematouseruptions. Her antiviral regimen hadrecently been changed from zidovudine, 300 mg bid; lamivudine, 150 mgbid; and saquinavir, 600 mg tid, tolamivudine, 150 mg bid; stavudine, 40mg bid; and nevirapine, 200 mg/d.