Prophylactic Oseltamivir for Prevention of Nosocomial Influenza A Virus Infection
The effectiveness of oseltamivir in preventing nosocomialinfluenza (influenza Avirus infection) during an influenzaepidemic was carried out in several wards of a universityhospital. Asurvey conducted during the 2005 influenza seasonidentified 30 staff members (nurses and doctors) and 3hospitalized patients who met the case definition for influenza.Adefinitive influenza diagnosis was made in 17 staff members(57%) and in 2 inpatients (66%) based on the results of a rapiddiagnostic test. Most of the 30 symptomatic staff membershad been vaccinated for influenza. Symptomatic staff memberswere sent home for 1 week, and the infected inpatients wereisolated. Oseltamivir (75 mg/d for 5 days) was administered to99 staff members and 2 inpatients who had close contact withthe infected patients. Although a relatively large number of thestaff had an influenza virus infection, the use of oseltamivirmay have effectively prevented a nosocomial outbreak.[Infect Med. 2008;25:49-50a]