Atrial Fibrillation:When - and How - to Convert to Sinus Rhythm
April 1st 2006Your patient with atrial fibrillation (AF)is hemodynamically stable and youhave successfully established rate control.Your next step is to weigh therisks and benefits of attempting to restoresinus rhythm. In up to one half ofpatients, AF of recent onset convertsspontaneously to normal sinus rhythmwithin 24 hours. Thus, in some cases,the most appropriate approach maybe to control the ventricular response,identify and treat comorbid conditions,initiate anticoagulation, and closelymonitor the patient.
Atrial Fibrillation: How Best to Use Rate Control and Anticoagulation
April 1st 2006Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most commonsustained cardiac arrhythmia; itaffects about 2.2 million Americans.The prevalence of AF, which increaseswith age,1 is approximately 5.9% in personsolder than 65 years2 and greaterthan 10% in those older than 75 years.3