Respiratory infections in diabetes: Reviewing the risks and challenges
June 24th 2008ABSTRACT: Although the organisms that cause community-acquiredpneumonia are similar in diabetic and nondiabetic patients,those who have diabetes mellitus (DM) may have moresevere disease and a poorer prognosis. Elevated blood glucoselevels are associated with worse outcomes in patients withpneumonia, and the mortality risk may be as high as 30% in patientswith uncontrolled DM. Thus, appropriate treatment-and possibly prevention-of bacterial pneumonia should includeaggressive efforts directed at glycemic control. Other respiratoryinfections, such as influenza, tuberculosis, and fungalpneumonia, also are associated with greater morbidity in patientswith DM. Diabetic patients with tuberculosis are morelikely to present with bilateral lung involvement and pleural effusions.(J Respir Dis. 2008;29(7):285-293)