Young Man With Acquired Ptosis
September 1st 2002A swollen, painful eyelid prompted a 39-year-old man to seek medical attention.The patient had noticed swelling, redness, and irritation in his left lateral eyebrowarea 2 days earlier. Upon awakening on the morning of his appointment,the left upper eyelid also felt full and tender and was drooping. A pointed drainingarea of purulent material had formed in the lateral brow region (not visiblehere). The patient was afebrile and denied any recent periorbital trauma. Hewas otherwise healthy; his only medication was a daily multivitamin.
Acquired Ptosis-Myogenic Myasthenia Gravis
September 1st 2002A 35-year-old woman noticed that herright upper eyelid started to droop asthe day progressed. She denied otherocular problems, including decreasedvisual acuity, pain, or diplopia. The patienthad no generalized fatigue, difficultyin swallowing, or weakness ofher arms or legs.