Right Shoulder Pain in an Older Man
December 31st 2006For 6 months, a 69-year-old man has experiencedpain in his right shoulder; hetakes NSAIDs for relief. During the lastmonth, the pain has worsened, weaknessand tingling have developed in his righthand, and the skin on the right side ofhis face has become dry. The patient alsoreports a 1-month history of melanoticstools. He had smoked 1 pack of cigarettesa day for 50 years before quittinglast year
HIV-Related Complications: AIDS-Related Kaposi Sarcoma
November 1st 2005Progressive cough and dyspnea of 2 months' duration prompted a 23-year-old man to seek medical attention for the fourth time. On previous emergency department visits, he had received antibiotics, which failed to relieve his symptoms.