Trospium chloride (Sanctura) recentlybecame available for the treatmentof overactive bladder and urge urinaryincontinence. This drug, fromIndevus Pharmaceuticals, is a muscarinicreceptor antagonist that relaxesthe smooth muscle tissue of thebladder, thereby decreasing contractionsand counteracting overactive orunstable detrusor muscle function.
New Medication for
Urinary Incontinence/
Overactive BladderTrospium chloride (Sanctura) recentlybecame available for the treatmentof overactive bladder and urge urinaryincontinence. This drug, fromIndevus Pharmaceuticals, is a muscarinicreceptor antagonist that relaxesthe smooth muscle tissue of thebladder, thereby decreasing contractionsand counteracting overactive orunstable detrusor muscle function.The recommended dosage isone 20-mg tablet bid. The drug iscontraindicated in patients with urinaryor gastric retention or uncontrollednarrow-angle glaucoma--andin patients at risk for these conditions.The most common side effectsare dry mouth, constipation, andheadache.