Tinea that occurs on the hands is referred to as tinea manuum.
Cutaneous CandidiasisOral CandidiasisPerlche Erosio Interdigitalis BlastomyceticaOnychomycosisTinea PedisTinea CorporisTinea ManuumFungal Folliculitis
Figure –
This woman has allergic contact dermatitis of the hands, which resembles tinea manuum. A potassium hydroxide evaluation was necessary to make the diagnosis. Other diagnostic considerations include irritant contact dermatitis and palmar psoriasis.
Tinea that occurs on the hands is referred to as tinea manuum. For unknown reasons, tinea often affects two feet and one hand. Tinea manuum must be distinguishes from allergic contact dermatitis of the hands, which it resembles (Figure); this can be done by examination of a potassium hydroxide preparation. Tinea manuum can be treated with a topical antifungal agent.