Seizures: Medical Causes and Management and Modern Therapeutics in Rheumatic Diseases


Seizures are among the most common neurologic conditionsencountered in the primary care setting. However, they havereceived scant attention in standard textbooks and in themedical literature generally-perhaps because the topic cutsacross so many specialties. Here, an international team ofexperts fills this void with a comprehensive discussion of thecauses and management of seizures associated with a widevariety of medical problems-including organ failure,organ transplantation, electrolyte imbalance, endocrine disorders,cardiorespiratory disorders, cancer, fever and systemicinfection, medication, alcohol, illicit drug use, andenvironmental toxins. Chapters cover the various types ofseizures and their pathophysiology, how to distinguishseizure from syncope, seizures in the ICU, and the use ofanticonvulsants.

Delanty N (ed)
SEIZURES: MEDICAL CAUSESAND MANAGEMENTTotowa, NJ, Humana Press, 2002, 380 pages,
$125 hardcover

Seizures are among the most common neurologic conditionsencountered in the primary care setting. However, they havereceived scant attention in standard textbooks and in themedical literature generally--perhaps because the topic cutsacross so many specialties. Here, an international team ofexperts fills this void with a comprehensive discussion of thecauses and management of seizures associated with a widevariety of medical problems--including organ failure,organ transplantation, electrolyte imbalance, endocrine disorders,cardiorespiratory disorders, cancer, fever and systemicinfection, medication, alcohol, illicit drug use, andenvironmental toxins. Chapters cover the various types ofseizures and their pathophysiology, how to distinguishseizure from syncope, seizures in the ICU, and the use ofanticonvulsants.

Tsokos GC (ed)
$145 hardcover

Great progress has been made in recent years in our understandingof the molecular and cellular processes that underlierheumatic diseases. This new knowledge has led to the introductionof numerous treatment modalities--and the pace ofdevelopment of new biologics and drugs continues to quicken.In this text, leading clinicians and researchers present concise,practical information on both recently released agentsand those that are still in clinical trials. Standard treatmentsare also discussed. Chapters are devoted to therapies forrheumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, and systemic autoimmunediseases, as well as gene therapy for rheumatic diseases. Forthe newer therapeutics, the molecular basis and underlyingpathogenic mechanisms are explained, animal data and clinicaltrial results are reviewed, and recommendations aregiven regarding use, side effects, and precautions.

Ferri FF (ed)
St Louis, Mosby, 2002, 1576 pages, $59.95 hardcover
(book/CD-ROM package: $99.95)

This reference provides rapid access to a wealth of useful diagnostic and therapeuticinformation. The book is divided into 5 sections. The first section--which featureshighlighted clinical pearls and numerous drawings, photographs, andcharts--covers more than 600 diseases and disorders. The second section presentsthe differential diagnoses of 400 signs and symptoms. Section III offers clinical algorithmsto guide workup and therapy for more than 200 conditions. Section IVpresents normal values--and interpretation of abnormal values--for over 200common laboratory tests. The last section, on preventive medicine, offers recommendationsfrom the US Preventive Services Task Force on screening, immunization,chemoprophylaxis, and more. This edition also contains ICD-9-CM codes toexpedite claims submission; a new appendix on alternative and complementarymedicine that includes definitions, annotated lists of frequently used herbals, andselected resources; and dozens of new illustrations, boxes, and tables. A companionCD-ROM features the full contents of the book, patient teaching guides on the majorityof topics covered (in both English and Spanish), and prescribing informationfor all drugs mentioned in the book.

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