A middle-aged man with"jock itch" that has failed torespond to antifungal creams.An older woman who has diffusehyperkeratosis of predominantlyweight-bearing surfaces.A young man with mildlypruritic, small, salmon pinkpapules and thick white scaleon his trunk and arms.
A middle-aged man with"jock itch" that has failed torespond to antifungal creams.An older woman who has diffusehyperkeratosis of predominantlyweight-bearing surfaces.A young man with mildlypruritic, small, salmon pinkpapules and thick white scaleon his trunk and arms.What do these patients havein common-and what treatmentstrategies would you pursue?These patients all have psoriasis,which affects 2.6% ofAmericans.1 Manifestationsrange from localized, pruritic,scaly, erythematous papulesand plaques to widespread erythrodermicor pustular disease to psoriaticarthritis. Many patients respond wellto the various therapies in the broadarmamentarium; however, some havebeen disappointed by ineffective, inadequate,inconvenient, and potentiallytoxic treatments that fail to relievetheir symptoms.Here we present 9 cases thatillustrate various types of psoriasis.After each case, we review the availabletreatment options and offer ourrecommendations.
FDA Proposed Rule Would Limit Nicotine Content in Cigarettes, Cigars, Other Combusted Products
January 16th 2025The agency estimates that limiting nicotine levels could lead to 1.8 million fewer tobacco-related deaths by 2060 and health care savings of $1.1 trillion a year over the next 40 years.