Podcast: Incretins for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Part 2)


In his second podcast, Dr Louis Kuritzky discusses the classes of incretin-based therapies now available for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Incretins have received a lot of attention as a relatively new treatment option for persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

What classes of incretin-based therapies are now available, and how are they currently being used in clinical practice? What advantages do they offer over older therapies?

Here, in his second podcast on incretins, is Louis Kuritzky, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Community Health and Family Medicine at the University of Florida in Gainesville. In his first podcast, Dr Kuritzky offers an update on the basics of incretin therapy.

"Take home" Points

1. One class of incretins mimics glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) chemically. The other class suppresses its degradation by inhibiting the enzyme DPP4. Both prolong its actions on the intestine.

2. The incretin class in general do not cause weight gain and may even produce a durable weight loss. Recent studies suggest they may also be associated with favorable changes in cardiovascular risk factors.

3. Clinical guidelines are evolving. Utilization depends on personal choice and initial responses to metformin. The choice of incretin may also be governed by how far the patient is from reaching the A1c goal.

4. Many patients prefer incretin mimetics because they are likely to cause weight loss and are oral, rather than injectable. A common adverse effect with both classes is initial nausea.

Incretins for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Part 2)

 Click here for Part 1.

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