Candidal infection can also occur at the lateral angles of the mouth; it causes erosions and breakdown of the skin. Angular cheilitis, or perleche, resembles the relationship between intertriginous candidiasis and intertrigo in that it is part infection and part inflammatory response to the impairment of epidermal integrity.
Cutaneous CandidiasisOral CandidiasisPerlche Erosio Interdigitalis BlastomyceticaOnychomycosisTinea PedisTinea CorporisTinea ManuumFungal Folliculitis
Figure –
The erosions at the lateral angles of this patient's mouth resulted from candidal infection.
Candidal infection can also occur at the lateral angles of the mouth; it causes erosions and breakdown of the skin (Figure). Angular cheilitis, or perlche, resembles the relationship between intertriginous candidiasis and intertrigo in that it is part infection and part inflammatory response to the impairment of epidermal integrity. A related condition is denture stomatitis, which presents as chronic mucosal erythema typically beneath the site of a denture.