
Branch WT Jr (ed)OFFICE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE (ed 4)Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company, 2003, 1387 pages, $89.95 hardcover

Branch WT Jr (ed)OFFICE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE (ed 4)Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company, 2003, 1387 pages, $89.95 hardcoverThe goal here: to provide clinical information in sufficient depth and detail tobe genuinely useful. Numerous illustrations identify presenting signs and symptoms,and tables and algorithms serve to simplify the differential diagnosis ofmany problems. The nearly 100 chapters offer an evidence-based approach to theprevention, diagnosis, and management of a wide variety of conditions. These includemany disorders and diseases not covered in general medicine texts, such asophthalmologic, gynecologic, orthopedic, otolaryngologic, dermatologic, geriatric,psychiatric, neurologic, audiologic, and genitourinary problems. An expandedsection on women's health includes 5 new chapters on domestic violence, osteoporosis,benign breast diseases, hormone replacement therapy, and medical problemsof pregnancy. Other chapters that are new to this edition cover ischemicheart disease; cough; pleuritic chest pain; and effects of aspirin, oxidative stress,alcohol, and psychosocial factors on coronary atherosclerosis.Edwards NM, Maurer MS, Wellner RB (eds)AGING, HEART DISEASE, AND ITS MANAGEMENT: FACTS AND CONTROVERSIESTotowa, NJ, Humana Press, 2003, 405 pages, $125 hardcoverAs the number of Americans older than age 65 increases, the need for physicianswho are proficient at caring for the elderly will become critical. This book providesan authoritative review of the care of the older cardiac patient. The text is organizedinto 4 sections. The first provides a demographic and epidemiologic overviewof cardiovascular disease in the elderly and highlights relevant health care policyissues. The second section covers important issues--nutrition, neurology, pharmacology,psychiatry, rehabilitation, and ethics--involved in caring for older patientswith any type of medical problem. The third section describes the age-related changesin cardiovascular structure and function that contribute to heart problems inolder adults and discusses the cardiovascular syndromes that are especially commonin these patients, including arrhythmias, syncope, heart failure, and ischemicheart disease. The last section is devoted to the surgical management of cardiacproblems in older patients; it describes such procedures as coronary artery bypassgrafting, valve surgery, implantation of pacemakers and defibrillators, and surgicalapproaches to heart failure management.

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