Obesity Perceptions and Attitudes: A Quiz


Is there an attitude problem about obesity?

Misconceptions about obesity abound-and they may be among the greatest obstacles to effective treatment. The ACTION (Awareness, Care, and Treatment in Obesity maNagement) study examined perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and potential barriers to obesity care among patients, health care providers, and employers.1 A total of 3008 adults with obesity (BMI  ≥  30 kg/m2 by self-reported height and weight), 606 health care providers, and 153 employer representatives completed surveys in a cross-sectional design.

The following 10-item quiz is based on the results of the ACTION study. See how your own attitudes about obesity compare with those of your colleagues and patients.

1. What percentage of people with obesity (BMI  ≥  30  kg/m2) in the survey considered themselves obese?A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 90%
D. 100%

The correct answer is A. 50%


2. What percentage of people with obesity had discussed a weight loss plan with a health care provider within the past 6 months?A. 58%
B. 48%
C. 38%
D. 28%

The correct answer is C. 38%


3. What was the most common reason health care providers gave for not initiating discussions about weight loss with obese patients?A. Concern over the patient’s emotional state or psychological issues
B. Lack of belief that the patient is motivated to lose weight.
C. More important issues/concerns to discuss
D. Lack of time/the appointment was not long enough

The correct answer is D. Lack of time/the appointment was not long enough


4. Which of the following was the top reason patients gave for not seeking treatment of their obesity?A. I do not have the financial means to support a weight loss effort
B. I believe it is my responsibility to manage my weight
C. I do not feel motivated to lose weight
D. I am embarrassed to bring it up

The correct answer is B. I believe it is my responsibility to manage my weight


5. The top reason health care providers gave for why patients do not seek treatment of their obesity was:A. They do not see their weight as a medical issue
B. They do not believe that they can lose weight
C. They are embarrassed to bring it up
D. They do not feel motivated to lose weight

The correct answer is C. They are embarrassed to bring it up


6. What was the most common reason patients cited as a barrier to weight loss efforts?A. Lack of exercise
B. Lack of motivation
C. Preference for unhealthy food
D. Cost of healthy food

The correct answer is A. Lack of exercise


7. What was the most common reason health care providers cited as a barrier to their patients’ weight loss efforts?A. Lack of exercise
B. Lack of motivation
C. Preference for unhealthy food
D. Cost of healthy food

The correct answer is A. Lack of exercise


8. What percentage of health care providers agreed with the statement “obesity is a disease”?A. 90%
B. 80%
C. 70%
D. 60%

The correct answer is B. 80%


9. What percentage of patients with obesity agreed with the statement “obesity is a disease”?A. 85%
B. 75%
C. 65%
D. 55%

The correct answer is C. 65%


10. Which of the following was the most common reason employers cited for offering wellness programs at work?A. To improve work productivity
B. To improve the physical well-being of employees
C. To promote healthy behaviors among employees
D. To reduce insurance premiums/claims

The correct answer is D. To reduce insurance premiums/claims

For more Patient Care coverage of the ACTION study, see Obesity, Patients, & Physicians: Where do Attitudes Differ?

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This study was sponsored by Novo Nordisk Inc.


1. Kaplan LM, Golden A, Jinnett K, et al. Perceptions of barriers to effective obesity care: results from the National ACTION Study. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2017 Oct 31. doi: 10.1002/oby.22054. [Epub ahead of print]

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