Laxatives that contain antraquinones can induce a dark pigmentation in the colonic mucosa.
The finding of pigmented mucosa-melanosis coli-on colonoscopy is associated with which of the following laxatives?
A. Senna
B. Docusate sodium (Colace)
C. Polyethylene glycol (Miralax)
D. Milk of magnesia
Correct answer: A
Laxatives that contain antraquinones (eg, senna) can induce a dark pigmentation in the colonic mucosa. The cecum and rectum are the most commonly affected sites. Despite its appearance on colonoscopy, melanosis coli is a benign finding. The other laxatives do not cause this condition.
Clinical Tips for Using Antibiotics and Corticosteroids in IBD
January 5th 2013The goals of therapy for patients with inflammatory bowel disorder include inducing and maintaining a steroid-free remission, preventing and treating the complications of the disease, minimizing treatment toxicity, achieving mucosal healing, and enhancing quality of life.