
Despite impressive advances in the treatment of diabetesmellitus over the past quarter century, the disease continuesto have devastating consequences. It is the leading cause ofblindness in adults younger than 75 years, the cause of morethan 50% of lower leg amputations, and the cause of deathin 75% of affected patients. Moreover, the incidence of diabetesis rising rapidly. This 5th edition of a classic referenceprovides step-by-step guidance on the office management ofthe disease, from the initial evaluation through approachesto such specific issues as travel, hygiene, and weight control.The discussion of treatment options has been updated andincludes newer insulin analogs, recently approved medications,and combination therapy. New chapters cover medicalnutrition therapy, insulin resistance and macrovascular disease,and diabetes in children. Up-to-date discussions of thepsychological implications of the disease and findings fromthe United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study are also included.The book is illustrated with numerous tables, algorithms,graphs, and diagrams. In addition, patient educationworksheets and handouts are provided.

Harmel AP, Mathur R (eds)Philadelphia, Elsevier Science, 2004, 494 pages,$69.95 softcoverDespite impressive advances in the treatment of diabetesmellitus over the past quarter century, the disease continuesto have devastating consequences. It is the leading cause ofblindness in adults younger than 75 years, the cause of morethan 50% of lower leg amputations, and the cause of deathin 75% of affected patients. Moreover, the incidence of diabetesis rising rapidly. This 5th edition of a classic referenceprovides step-by-step guidance on the office management ofthe disease, from the initial evaluation through approachesto such specific issues as travel, hygiene, and weight control.The discussion of treatment options has been updated andincludes newer insulin analogs, recently approved medications,and combination therapy. New chapters cover medicalnutrition therapy, insulin resistance and macrovascular disease,and diabetes in children. Up-to-date discussions of thepsychological implications of the disease and findings fromthe United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study are also included.The book is illustrated with numerous tables, algorithms,graphs, and diagrams. In addition, patient educationworksheets and handouts are provided.

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