Contact Dermatitis to Diaper Material


Low-potency corticosteroids had not resolved a rash of several month's duration on the buttocks of a 2-year-old girl.

Low-potency corticosteroids had not resolved a rash of several month's duration on the buttocks of a 2-year-old girl.

Dr Raymond T. Kuwahara of Memphis reports that the pattern of the lesions on the child's skin matched the location of vertical reinforcing strips on her diaper (arrows). According to the girl's parents, the rash had developed when the child began to wear a new brand of “pull-up” diapers. Contact dermatitis to the diaper material was diagnosed.

The parents were advised to remove the diaper's reinforcement strips or to resume use of the original brand of diapers. Twice daily applications of 1% hydrocortisone ointment covered by zinc oxide paste were prescribed. The rash improved significantly in 3 weeks and had resolved completely by the 6-week follow-up.

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