How would you approach diagnosis of this widespread, nonpruritic rash? Lab work? Skin tests? Or will history and physical findings suffice?
Severe Drug Rash in the ED
Patient claims pruritic full-body rash is from a course of vancomycin. Is he correct? Could it be something else?
Dry Cough, Rash on Legs
Patient is 54 y/o man; the cough has been present for 2 weeks, the rash on the lower extremities for 2 months; the rash is getting worse. What's your dx?
Crash Rash Quiz: 8 Psoriasis Questions
Guttate and other psoriasis may be confused with other rashes and skin lesions. Scratch the surface of your knowledge with this crash quiz.
Pruritic Papulovesicular Rash on Lower Legs: Your Dx?
Here are key clues: an intensely pruritic rash on the lower legs that developed within hours after the patient walked through a grassy field near a lake.
Climate Change Health Hazards Quiz
Test your knowledge of the products of climate change and the health effects they may have.
Acne Spot Quiz: 8 Breakout Questions
Take this quick quiz, based on Dr Jon Schneider’s popular case reports, to test your knowledge of a common teenage plague.