
As the population ages, physicians are seeing a greaternumber of patients with colorectal disorders. This book combinesan up-to-date survey of the latest basic and clinicalresearch in the field with practical advice for the day-to-daycare of patients with colonic diseases. The first section ofthe book covers current knowledge of normal colorectal physiology.Section 2 discusses the basic disease mechanismsinvolved in colonic disorders and reviews the uses of suchinvestigational tools as colonoscopy, colonic biopsy, anorectalmanometry, ultrasonography, motility measurement,defecography, CT, and MRI. The third section offers a fulldiscussion of the diagnosis and treatment of commoncolonic disorders, including colorectal neoplasia, inflammatorybowel disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease,Crohn disease, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.In addition to currently recommended approaches to evaluationand treatment, chapters in this section include discussionof advanced and investigational therapies.

As the population ages, physicians are seeing a greaternumber of patients with colorectal disorders. This book combinesan up-to-date survey of the latest basic and clinicalresearch in the field with practical advice for the day-to-daycare of patients with colonic diseases. The first section ofthe book covers current knowledge of normal colorectal physiology.Section 2 discusses the basic disease mechanismsinvolved in colonic disorders and reviews the uses of suchinvestigational tools as colonoscopy, colonic biopsy, anorectalmanometry, ultrasonography, motility measurement,defecography, CT, and MRI. The third section offers a fulldiscussion of the diagnosis and treatment of commoncolonic disorders, including colorectal neoplasia, inflammatorybowel disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease,Crohn disease, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.In addition to currently recommended approaches to evaluationand treatment, chapters in this section include discussionof advanced and investigational therapies.

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