Although the content ofthe latest childhoodimmunization schedulehas remained essentiallythe same since January2001 (Table),1 the format has beenredesigned to highlight:
Although the content ofthe latest childhoodimmunization schedulehas remained essentiallythe same since January2001 (Table),1 the format has beenredesigned to highlight:
Deferral of some doses oftetanus and diphtheria toxoids, diphtheriaand tetanus toxoids and acellularpertussis vaccine, and pneumococcalconjugate vaccine has beenrecommended because of the vaccinesupply shortage. Note in the patient'srecord that vaccination was deferred,and contact that patient once the supplyis restored.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Notice to readers: recommended childhood immunizationschedule-United States, 2002. MMWR.2002;51:31-33.