Tinea pedis, or athlete's foot, is common in elderly persons. It manifests as maceration in the interdigital web folds and as scaly plaques on the plantar surfaces of the feet. A potassium hydroxide evaluation can establish the diagnosis. Tinea pedis is commonly associated with xerosis. It is best treated with a topical antifungal agent; treatment can be aided by a keratolytic such as lactic acid 12% cream.
Cutaneous CandidiasisOral CandidiasisPerlcheErosio InterdigitalisBlastomyceticaOnychomycosisTinea PedisTinea CorporisTinea ManuumFungal Folliculitis
Figure –
The scaly plaques on the plantar surfaces of this patient's feet represent tinea pedis.
Tinea pedis, or athlete's foot, is common in elderly persons. It manifests as maceration in the interdigital web folds and as scaly plaques on the plantar surfaces of the feet (Figure). A potassium hydroxide evaluation can establish the diagnosis. Tinea pedis is commonly associated with xerosis. It is best treated with a topical antifungal agent; treatment can be aided by a keratolytic such as lactic acid 12% cream.