December 6th 2018
Patient claims pruritic full-body rash is from a course of vancomycin. Is he correct? Could it be something else?
Phytophotodermatitis on Fingers of a Young Child
April 1st 2003The parents of a 6-year-old girl were concerned about the hyperpigmentation of their child’s fingers. Two weeks earlier, lime juice was accidentally spilled on the patient’s fingers during a barbecue on a sunny beach. By the following morning, the affected digits had turned red. A few days later, the erythematous areas became hyperpigmented.
Painful Squamous Cell Carcinoma on Jaw
April 1st 2003A painful, 4.8-cm nodule developed over 3 weeks on the face of a 76-year-old man. The results of a generous shave biopsy suggested a keratoacanthoma, a benign but locally destructive tumor that typically arises abruptly and enlarges rapidly. Curettage and desiccation were subsequently performed.
Infant With Red Swollen Index Finger
March 31st 2003A 12-month-old infant is brought to your office for evaluation of ared, swollen left index finger, which her parents first noted the prior evening.The mother denies any known trauma or recent illness. She tells you that theinfant is slightly fussy and is not taking her bottle as well as usual.
Livedo Reticularis and Contact Dermatitis to Poison Ivy
March 1st 2003A network of purplish pink lesions recently developed on a 28-year-old woman’sarms and legs. The asymptomatic rash becomes more prominent with exposureto cold. The patient denies fever, aches, arthralgias, oral erosions, chestpain, and photosensitivity.
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and HIV Seropositivity
March 1st 2003A 47-year-old woman who wasseropositive for HIV-1 presented tothe emergency department with severemaculopapular, erythematouseruptions. Her antiviral regimen hadrecently been changed from zidovudine, 300 mg bid; lamivudine, 150 mgbid; and saquinavir, 600 mg tid, tolamivudine, 150 mg bid; stavudine, 40mg bid; and nevirapine, 200 mg/d.
Rendu-Osler-Weber Syndrome in an Older Woman
March 1st 2003A 72-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with epistaxis and generalized telangiectasia. The patient was known to have Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome, or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, an autosomal dominant disorder that is associated with arteriovenous fistulae of many organs.
STDs: Do You Recognize These Telltale Lesions?
February 1st 2003A 32-year-old previously healthywoman presents to the emergencydepartment with skin lesions, suprapubicpain, and generalized myalgia of1 week’s duration. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazolefor a presumed urinarytract infection is prescribed, and thepatient is discharged. The symptomspersist; she is hospitalized 2 days later.
Alcoholic man with weakness, fatigue, bleeding gums, and leg lesions
February 1st 2003The family of a 50-year-oldalcoholic man brings him to youroffice. They are concerned abouthis health and note that they had notseen him for several months beforehe reappeared. The patient complainsof generalized weakness, fatigue, andbleeding gums.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the Hand
January 1st 2003An 87-year-old woman sought treatment of what she described as a “bite” of 1 month’s duration. The pink, nodular lesion on the dorsum of the left hand had central superficial ulceration with yellow crusting at the web space between the thumb and index finger.
A Young Boy With High Fever and Lethargy
January 1st 2003A Young Boy With High Fever and LethargyA 5-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department(ED) by his parents. They report that, for thepast week, the child has had a high fever (temperatureup to 40oC [104oF]), generalized weakness, lethargy, andlack of appetite. The boy’s eyes are bloodshot and he hasrefused food and drink. The child has no history ofcough, shortness of breath, hematemesis, melena, headaches,vision problems, or seizures. He has not been incontact with sick persons, has not traveled abroad, doesnot have a pet, and is not taking any medications. His immunizations are up-to-date.