December 6th 2018
Patient claims pruritic full-body rash is from a course of vancomycin. Is he correct? Could it be something else?
Various Manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
July 1st 2003The manifestations of this multisystemdisorder range from relativelybenign, self-limited cutaneous involvementto severe, potentially fatal systemicillness. Skin lesions associatedwith lupus erythematosus (LE) areclassified histologically as LE-specificor LE-nonspecific.
Fournier Gangrene in a 77-Year-Old African American Man
June 1st 2003A 77-year-old African American man with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease presented to the emergency department with acute scrotal swelling and pain. His testicles were erythematous with focal areas of necrosis and associated tissue destruction. Similar skin changes were apparent in the lower abdominal and inguinal regions.
CASE 5: Palmoplantar Psoriasis
June 1st 2003A 63-year-old woman presents withdiffuse hyperkeratosis of the solesand palms. She also has onycholysis-separation of the nail plate fromthe nail bed-and salmon-coloredplaques behind her ears. Biopsy ofone of the plaques confirms the suspecteddiagnosis of psoriasis.
Psoriasis: Update on Therapy for the Various Manifestations
June 1st 2003A middle-aged man with"jock itch" that has failed torespond to antifungal creams.An older woman who has diffusehyperkeratosis of predominantlyweight-bearing surfaces.A young man with mildlypruritic, small, salmon pinkpapules and thick white scaleon his trunk and arms.
CASES 4A AND 4B: Guttate Psoriasis
June 1st 20034A:Small, slightly pruritic, salmonpink papules with thick white scalehave arisen over the past 5 days onthe trunk and arms of a 24-year-oldman. The patient has a history ofvery mild psoriasis vulgaris of the elbows,knees, and scalp; he deniesstreptococcal pharyngitis or other recentinfections. Guttate psoriasis isdiagnosed.
CASE 8: Erythrodermic or Pustular Psoriasis
June 1st 2003A 60-year-old man with a long historyof psoriasis vulgaris required a systemiccorticosteroid for a severe exacerbationof asthma. Soon after theErythrodermic or Pustular Psoriasiscorticosteroid was discontinued, generalizederythema and scaling of theskin developed.
Well-Differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma
May 1st 2003A 1-cm, tan-brown lesion had developed years earlier at the posterior helix of a61-year-old man’s right ear. Central ulceration and crusting were noted on thepapule. The patient sought medical evaluation when the lesion became nodularand began to flake.
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma
May 1st 2003A 45-year-old woman presented with a slowly enlarging, mildly tender lesionon the left sole. The large indurated plaque was studded with multiple firmpapules and nodules that involved the instep and extended onto the medialaspect of the foot. There was no regional adenopathy.
Allergic Contact Dermatitis from Hair Dye
May 1st 2003For 5 years, a 54-year-old woman had been bothered by an intermittent dermatitis on her left hand and wrist. The rash had remained constant during the past year. The patient, a hairdresser, usually wears gloves when she works. Moderate erythema and flaking were noted on her hands.
Coexistent Discoid Lupus Erythematosus and Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
May 1st 2003Bullae had recently appeared on the dorsa of the hands and fingers of a 46-year-old man. His medical history was significant for alcoholism, discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), and hepatitis C. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was ruled out; the patient’s symptoms did not meet the American Rheumatism Association criteria for SLE.