December 6th 2018
Patient claims pruritic full-body rash is from a course of vancomycin. Is he correct? Could it be something else?
Brown Recluse Spider Bite--or Something Else?
October 4th 2010A previously healthy 40-year-old man complains of worsening lower-extremity discomfort. He noticed the discomfort several days earlier on awakening and thought that he had been bitten by a spider. The lesion, initially a small pustule, has enlarged into an open wound.
Hairy Hyperpigmented Lesion on a Teenager’s Back
September 9th 2010A 16-year-old boy with asymptomatic, hyperpigmented, hairy lesion on his left upper back. The pigmentation, first noted 5 years earlier, had progressively spread across his torso. The coarse and dark hair confined to the hyperpigmented area had appeared at age 13 years. Medical history uneventful. Review of systems showed no abnormalities. No family history of similar skin lesions.
Can You Identify This Puzzling Rash?
July 1st 2010Apreviously healthy 47-year-old woman presents with an ascending, nonpruritic rash of 3 days’ duration on her legs. She reports that the rash began on her ankles following a day of gardening. She does not recall any recent insect bites and denies chest pain, dyspnea, abdominal pain, fever, arthralgia, arthritis, cough, and hemoptysis. She has never had a similar rash before. The patient’s only medication is an oral antihistamine for seasonal allergies. She has no known drug allergies.
An Old Woman With a Very Different Purple Toe
June 7th 2010The plantar aspect of this toe shows purple nonuniform darkening that mimicked either a simple traumatic hematoma or the blue toe syndrome. More proximally, however, the solar aspect contained irregular dark-purple dots reminiscent of individual thrombosed venules, and in addition showed discontinuous purple zones more proximally in the part of the ray that lay within the body of the foot and that surely could not be imputed to any possible toe trauma or fracture nor to ischemia in the distribution of any single vessel. No purple area was warm or tender.
Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp
May 5th 2010For the past 7 years, a 32-year-old African-American man had multiple nonpruritic scalp abscesses. He also reported intermittent fever and joint pain. The abscesses had been drained on many occasions, and he had received several antibiotics, although no organisms had been isolated. Collagen vascular disease, SAPHO syndrome (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis), discoid lupus, and cutaneous sarcoid had been ruled out. During the past 7 years, he had been treated with prednisone, methotrexate, and hydroxychloroquine without any response.